Trust me, your assessment of my intelligence has little bearing on anything. From your posts, being on the wrong side of your logic would put me...
You got him, that looks like everything outside.
Whether either one of us takes the vaccine has nothing to do with how ignorant your post was. Answer the question, did we have antivaxxers and...
More nazis in action. [ATTACH]
Your ignorance is showing. You don’t think there were antivaxxers before 2021 and people that were pissed about it? Are you really that clueless?
These are same people that went batshit crazy when M obama tried to get more veggies in school.
Funny people are now advocating for gov't getting involved in your exercise program. People too lazy and selfish to wear a mask at the height of...
Just saw this, so awesome. Play stupid games.......
Heard this on the radio yesterday. The states that got hit early due low vaccination rates and inability to understand science may not get hit as...
It would be interesting to look back at some of the mensa candidates on this thread talking about there being no weapons at the riot or how it was...
Love seeing all these snowflakes dealing with reality. Wonder what type of compassion he had when participating in a riot that injured over 100...
Is anyone surprised? You have to be Awesome, keep them coming. Lock all these dirtbags up.
What a pack of idiots. Glad they are starting to see jail time, hope it continues.
Lock him up!!!!
Just a tourist trying to see another country, no biggy. I follow him on Yelp, he always has the best suggestions for finding good baklava eateries.
Holy crap that is hilarious. He isn't wrong though.
Thank God most criminals are stupid. Keep locking them up.
Trump riots don't exactly attract the best and brightest.
"Matt Bevins victory party" level of ignorance.
Macing the police? Law and order!