Biden hates chicken. When he can even remember what it is.
Nope, no problem here. Not at all. Guns and weapons trafficked from US fueling Haiti gang violence Experts say most guns smuggled from states...
Haha, is your reading comprehension that bad? LOL, you swung and you missed, LOL.
Your linked article said nothing about income levels, just credit scores. Did you not even read your own article, or is your reading...
Sucks that Trump didn't really include these people in his deficit funded tax cuts, of which 80% went to the rich or to corporations. If he had,...
This legislation, of course, being net neutral on inflation over the long term. Wish that were the case with the deficit funded Trump...
You are a real stickler for legal and ethical propriety, and I for one applaud that!!! Could ya now opine on a conspiracy to disenfranchise...
We need to replace the 9 million employed undocumented immigrants in the USA with that robot workforce you must know about. The one that doesn't...
Looks like those deficit funded Trump tax cuts are still coming back to bite us. Who could have known?
I appreciate your efforts to keep those guns (you're selling) out of the hands of the wrong people, and to thus keep us all a bit safer. Thank...
This is a parody account, right? This is just the longest running, deepest faking parody account we've ever seen. Maybe something like a...
Pretty weak.
The thread should have a warning label that if you read the last part, it will drain at least 15 points off your IQ. Unless I'm mistaken I just...
He puts a neg on every post I make. Even the awesome ones. To be fair, though, the GIFs he regularly posts are super thoughtful and very hilarious.
Were people really kneeling for BLM? Or are you just making silly things up?
Pretty sure they've actually convinced themselves of some of these things by now. But everybody knows it was President Fauci who closed down the...
Yes, these younger voters probably see that inflation exists. But they are also probably smart enough to realize that electing a rapist to lower...
The people to REALLY blame are the people who vote for politicians who raise the deficits and debt by cutting taxes. In other words - Republican...
That's super nice that you did something to help him........ ......but only after you first "forget exactly what (you) said but remember it...
It's definitely this. Black people nowadays are allowed to "leverage race", while poor white people are not allowed to. It's very unfair.