When there is a criminal running for POTUS who has demonstrated that he will attack every last fiber and institution of our country to preserve...
Only one of them is a criminal and a traitor to the United States. Please don't ever forget that.
Totally. He'll do things he failed to do in his first 4 years, when his party controlled all of Congress for 2 years. He'll fix health care....
I am DEFINITELY judging. I hate it when a traitor attacks our country, such by enacting a conspiracy to overturn an election......by coercing...
Hold on a second here. Do you look at X/Twitter much? Social media trolling is now basically a REQUIREMENT to be part of Republican "leadership."...
This is an insanely important issue that is greatly affecting my life. I can understand your crazed anger on this Easter morning. This is all...
Unless you've suffered irreparable damage to your scrotum?
What absurdity? I disagree.
Growing up, I knew a kid from the neighborhood over who'd supposedly been in a biking accident -something about getting caught up in the spokes-...
This is terrible. Joe Biden just effectively canceled one of the most important Christian holidays. And replaced it with something gay. The War...
Only some people are allowed to call themselves "stars." And only in the proper circumstances. "I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet....
Wondering if he still wants to build a ring around the Iraqi oil, so we can take some and repay ourselves for our expenses there.
Cool. End of conversation. Oh, also : "LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!" Isn't that what you folks like to say?
See, you just proved that walls work. Thanks for agreeing that walls are rilly rilly awesome and totally work. I'm pretty sure that's the answer.
Health care. Built a wall. Mexico paid. Balanced the budget. Reformed immigration policy. Kicked out all the illegals. Got it all done. All of...
There's a really cool Bible you could buy to help him out. He's also all spiritual 'n sh*t, ya know....
It's like a crazy game of wack-a-mole where these flat Earthers keep occssionally popping up to explain how, despite all evidence being contrary,...