You're asking for far too much. :D
One of the Trump indictments is based on something Joe Biden himself has done, the classified documents case. This is so unbelievably transparent...
Johnson isn't Pelosi... He's the Speaker of the House, not the leader of the House Republicans. I doubt anybody can keep this bunch in line....
Speculation, but that's how it looks to me too.
If you're talking about Independents in Congress, there aren't many. If you're talking about Independent voters as they pertain to Johnson, the...
I'd also like to add that this article had perfect timing. We need to remember this on Saturdays because the next few weeks are going to be rough...
Mullen could've been that guy if he wanted to be. His offensive mind is elite in today's college football. Just not a likable politician and he...
Napier seems like a guy who really REALLY understands the big picture. The most encouraging thing to me, apart from recruiting, is the fact that...
Haha. As though the actions of Republicans will in any way affect the actions of Democrats. :D Once you've already branded the other side as...
I don't think people were expecting Donald Trump to break the record of popular votes, win Florida and Ohio, and lose the election.
Fair enough, I misspoke. He had "won (in the eyes of many)" in the same sense as a team winning 5-1 in the bottom of the 8th has "won."
This was among the stupidest things the Trump Campaign did during the 2020 election.
Well, good thing I'm not saying that. :rolleyes:
No it's a problem when elected law enforcement campaigns on prosecuting a politician from the opposing party, then prosecutes that politician from...
Not what I'm saying. And for the record, I don't think the election was stolen from Trump. I think Trump actually lost. So I disagree with both...
It was the top of the 8th and your team is up 5-1. It's not over, but it's looking good. People who went to bed thinking it was "looking good"...
Not necessarily. I would say there are significant disparities in law enforcement in every country on Earth.
It wasn't "over" but a lot of people went to bed thinking he won.
That I think you're too smart to actually believe the crap you're saying now? :D Okay. :cool:
That is not an honest opinion. Maybe you believe it, but I have my doubts... and that is completely removed from reality. Here's the truth, Joe...