But not better than the people who voted for DeSantis and fled the Castro regime? Don’t be shy. Say exactly what you mean.
He can’t be that bad considering people are still moving away from California and to Florida.
1. You agree that DeSantis is comparable to Castro. 2. You believe that Hispanic DeSantis voters are "foolish" for voting for him. You have two...
Allowed themselves is an interesting way of putting it. What does it say that they "allowed themselves" to? I don't think Cuban expatriates...
True or False? They both violated the Espionage Act. True or False? Biden's DOJ chose to prosecute Trump and not Biden. Now, the Biden...
No, that's an analogy you're drawing that I disagree with.
No, he agreed that DeSantis is comparable to Castro. Now, he's accepted that DeSantis won a majority of the Hispanic vote, including the Cuban...
Textbook gaslighting.
You’re suggesting that you know Castro and Maduro better than people who fled those regimes, and in many cases were incarcerated under those regimes.
Considering that this isn’t the only indictment Trump has on its hands, the incentives favoring selective prosecution in this case, and we have...
Always an excuse.
Whatever, now you have clarity. Now, do you care to address the point?
They both violated the Espionage Act. Trump not taking measures to help himself is one issue. But the fact that both broke the law and the one...
You misinterpreted what I stated. I obviously was not stating he won 100% of the Hispanic vote. He won a majority of the Hispanic vote. Now...
Incorrect, he won a majority of the entire Hispanic vote in Florida. "DeSantis won 57% of the Hispanic vote, compared with 42% for Democrat...
To gator_lawyer and all of the clowns who agreed with this ridiculous post, if DeSantis is so much like Castro, why did DeSantis win not only a...
Why? You didn't share the First Amendment lawsuit tied to the Biden Administration I shared. The purpose of the post is not to provide you a study...
And? Appeals Court Rules White House Overstepped 1st Amendment on Social Media
As do I.
Why am I expected to do all of this research and provide this laundry list of evidence when gator_lawyer can just say ridiculous things like Ron...