Fine, don’t take their word for it. Take their actions. Money is flowing into Florida. Clearly you weren’t deterred. You moved here. But like...
California is losing people, Florida is gaining. That’s the point I was making. And I think you knew that, you’re just playing dumb.
Realized dude. As in Democrats have expressed desires to do it, but know they can’t or don’t have the means of doing so without consequences...
Congratulations. You’ve untapped the reason why people resort to the dishonest tactic of likening American politicians to some of the worst...
You bumped in on a conversation between me and gator_lawyer regarding his comparisons between DeSantis and Castro. Then you rated a post...
You agreed with gator_lawyer, and my "strawman" was exactly his point. Stop dancing around the issue and be straight with me like an actual human...
No, not "anything." I don't think violence is justified. I don't think scrapping the system is justified. You have to play within the rules. But...
1. Dems did it first. And if they do it, and have shown they are willing to do it the second things don't go their way, why can't Republicans?...
If you say what I asked you to say, you prove I imputed an argument you don't believe... and I look like an asshole. Instead, you look like a...
1. I don't think voting not to certify election results is quite the same as flipping the certification to the losing party. Perhaps it's an...
Which side decided to destroy the filibuster for judicial picks? Which side has been calling to pack the Supreme Court because there's a...
That's not the vision the founders had for the country. They drafted the US Constitution with democratic principles, but with curbs against the...
You could very easily prove me wrong just by saying: “I disagree that DeSantis is comparable to Castro.” But you won't because you prefer to play...
Here's a wake-up call ya'll are going to have to deal with. The days of "hands off" conservatives and "problem-solving (code for "destroy...
Such cowardly and dishonest behavior from you.
Democrats seized control over education to the point it was propaganda run amok. DeSantis is now taking steps to take it back. Now you're upset...
A lot of you can't distinguish between autocratic authoritarian leadership and competent leadership, which shows just how incompetent the...
He is manufacturing a child-friendly environment for environments for children and hes revoking special privileges from Disney. Comparing that to...
Okay, then say “I disagree that DeSantis is comparable to Castro.”
Yet they chose to target the Administration’s arch political rival. Looks more than a little convenient.