All the talking heads make a habit of talking out both sides of their mouth.
You can dream. I’ll just be over here poking the cloud above your head with a stick. :p
Just change the title to “softball guys talking about softball and other random things”
No doubt that guy found his calling.
Any improvement will be appreciated in the short term. After a few years we’ll be demanding trophies again though.
Definitely. Just giving you a hard time.
Wowzas. Talk about a failure of a thread.
It takes a little magic, and he’s definitely had some of that in the past.
That is the 100 million dollar question, and my crystal ball is a store brand model.
You’d be back channeling, but I definitely think some conversations could take place. Things could change between now and the end of the season,...
Lol @ the off topic ratings.
I didn’t research it, but that is not surprising at all. Won’t stop it from being repeated anyway!
Lol, I’m just a nobody like the rest of you. Only difference is I’m willing to admit it!
The only sure thing is that there’s no such thing as a sure thing.
Circulating nonsense is the “in” thing. It’s why we have all these weirdo “influencers”, honey boo boo’s, kardashians, and random nobodies doing...
He’s not my guy or anything. I was just answering your question.
I don’t think he was singling you out. There is definitely a contingency that thinks simply spending more money will fix everything. *I think...
He did get two conference titles at FAU.