Why don't you tell us? You're the one all upset about it, and supporting a big, expensive plan to remove them. What's the math on this? The...
^ The best thing about seeing the Trump/deportation fans post things like this is that we know in a few years we'll get to see them excuse making...
It's probably not just a single guy's green fees though, right? I would assume that the cost for a sitting president to golf would include the...
:) ;) :) :) [ATTACH]
^ Trump supporters are going to be complaining about adultery next?
A Trump supporter complaining about unethical, and borderline illegal, conduct by Trump's own Justice Department -but refusing to criticize Trump...
Chicks dig rich daddy's boys who have never held a job, but can get really good drugs.
And here's the latest unqualified lackey. At least it should keep coke-boy Donnie Jr. out of the country. [ATTACH]
Anyone who would possibly allow something like this to happen should never even sniff elected office again, for as long as they...
Trump negotiated an end to our involvement in which either; a) there was no effective solution to be negotiated, or b) was very poorly negotiated...
We won't want to admit it, but we all also almost certainly know numerous gun owners who are less than adequately responsible. Over my lifetime...
You Trumppublicans just want something to complain about.* *(Even though you support a guy who tried to overturn an election, and who...
You mean the most people? :) Edit : I live in Northern Virginia. I think that Highland County should have as many "electors" in state...
I think "Meet the Depressed" is super funny!! I totally see what you're trying to do there. It's like a play on words with "Meet the Press"! :)
The bar for Trump is so low, a worm could clear it. His supporters don't seem to care if he changed his mind on his policy "thoughts"..... if he...
"They're eating the electoral college!" ??
Americans no longer care about corruption in politics that either crosses into, or borders on criminality. Because of (the necessary and not...
Disappointed in myself that I missed Trump's angle on birthright citizenship. He will issue XOs and other impermanent (possibly irrelevant)...
LOL. Yeah, sure. It's someone else's fault that people elected an un-American criminal. "What did YOU do to give us a better choice? It's YOUR...
Guy can't even complete a sentence or stay on topic. Much less tell the truth. His gibberish wouldn't be tolerated from a middle school student....