Vile. I'm old enough to remember when both Obama and Biden put a shameless partisan hack in charge of VOA. Oh, wait...
Didn't 'Lil Rudy get booted out of his penthouse as part of his huge settlement for defaming those election workers? Wonder where he's living...
On the positive side, at least all those gullible MAGA voters finally will have their TVs shut off when the wind dies down.....
This one got a funny rating. Because it's funny to pardon a criminal who intentionally scammed political followers who donated to a cause they...
Keep 'em coming Joe. Next up will be his close advisor who ran a fraudulent scam to steal $25 million from dupes who donated to build a wall....
Yup. That's the one where he died from the Democrat hoax.
My posts are always totally awesome, but upon reflection, this segment above is even better than I had realized; We have a ton of people who...
To be honest, since America needs them as laborers, I would prefer them to be fully documented, regulated and taxed. A "win" for everyone there....
I think you mean to say that the anti-EC crowd believes it should be that way, at least wrt electing a POTUS. Clearly they, like everyone else,...
^ Voted for a guy found guilty of committing 34 felonies. :) And civilly adjudicated to have committed sexual assault. And has had numerous...
Wait, what? What does this mean - "leaving the farmer never heard?" A farmer would get just as much representation with their Presidential vote...
Sounds good. Keep going Big Joe.
I find it interesting that you qualify which lawbreakers should be dealt with; only the ones who "are here illegally." Other lawbreakers should...
It's obvious; he's going to make America great again, again. By doing all that stuff he failed to do his first time.
NostrodamusJo predicted this months ago. Contribute 10s of billions to Trump via equity. Siphon that (and more) back from government contracts...
To be fair though, he posts news articles that are informative and worth reading, even if only to understand a different opinion for some. Some...
Would love to hear you explain why. Doubt you could do so.
Kind of sad to see what passes for "debate" from the right these days.
How did this post get a 'funny' rating? This is an interesting article from a credible source. It provides a legitimate take, using legitimate...
What do we pay for them? What do we take in from them in taxes? What net economic benefit do they provide as consumers? Do you have any of this...