Very cool. Get all those un-American criminals. Lock them up.
I don't really understand your post. I do understand that you support a rapist. One that admitted to sexually assaulting women on tape. That...
Must be entirely untrue then. All 20+ women. Even the part about the 9-person jury finding him liable of sexual assault. Also, he didn't admit...
I'm surprised that no Trump supporters want to comment on this. Are all these (20+ accusations) in the posted article just "locker room talk"?...
Triple 'chicom.' I'm starting my morning off with a buzz.
He got elected POTUS. And this time his help from Russia probably didn't make the difference in the election. But I don't follow traitors who...
If so, hopefully he's only selling off parts of the wall that was being built in Colorado. “We’re building a wall on the border of New Mexico....
Was Trump repeatedly telling the racist lie that immigrants were eating dogs good for our nation? Please provide some substantive evidential...
LOL. He's a sexual assaulter to be proud of!! Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia Jill Harth alleged that Trump assaulted...
Inaugurate him as President however many times you want - it will not make any difference. Donald J Trump is a lying adulterer who has cheated on...
To be honest, this guy might have the tiniest shred more experience with the Middle East than the last guy -Jared Kushner- who had absolutely...
Which would you say was worse, this or Trump freeing 5,000 Taliban fighters? The US envoy for peace in Afghanistan has told the BBC he was "not...
I'd also definitely go with "MAN" when describing Trump. Because Trump is a masculine, manly fellow. He embodies all the qualities I associate...
Hold on - Donald Trump gave information to the FBI. Does that make him an informant also? We know that he's a criminal...... I'm wondering if...
I find inspirational your spirited enthusiasm for a criminal, adulterer and adjudicated sexual assaulter.
Gotta say - it's weird that people like you seem to still think that there will be mass deportation of illegal immigrants. Most likely, they...
Cool. So these people adhere to US laws better than the criminal recently elected POTUS does.
Shockingly conned enough voters, and was helped by a corrupt judiciary, to avoid the real cover he deserves: [ATTACH]
LOLOLOL. From OPs link : The FBI did not give its informants permission to flout the law by entering restricted areas, the watchdog report...
And here we have the latest attempt from Trump supporters to lie about what happened on January 6th. Sorry, OP, but just because Republicans are...