Maybe in your silly view, where anyone who doesn't wear a MAGA hat and support the criminality of Trump is Antifa. But once you start with that...
I partially agree and partially disagree. Disagree; this is a pretty bad idea, unless it's accepted that there will be a dramatic reduction in...
Definitely. That Conahan guy is reprehensible, and deserves more time in jail (not House arrest), rather than less. But then again, we just saw a...
I see your point - it wasn't just a slip of the tongue. Perhaps he was basing that on the statement of the judge. In any case, you are correct....
To be fair, it's not like they were deliberately "not reporting the truth." They just inadvertently referred to Donald Trump, the adjudicated and...
Wait, what? "Conflict comes to an end" ? Has Israel destroyed every tunnel in Gaza? Have they eliminated all of the Hamas leadership? Wait -...
I'm pretty sure law enforcement and the judiciary pretty much just did their jobs....and let the jury decide. Your "victim of the media" schtick...
Lol, Penny was charged with second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide? Is that correct? Big difference. No surprise that...
I guess we might disagree. IMO it was essential to impeach a POTUS for, well, impeachable offenses. At the minimum it forced the GOP to show...
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you on this. Their was absolutely nothing "cheap" or political about impeachment charges against Donald...
Wow, this is amazing - three people in DC resigned! Trump is really "draining the swamp!" (Just don't look at all those billionaires and...
I agree with this part 100%. Every word of it. I can't speak for any other posters, but IMO adopting Penny as a hero is entirely different...
You don't think making a gesture as part of a social justice movement is different than .......inviting to a high-profile event a person who'd...
I didn't follow closely enough to have a strong opinion on this. But it's typical and vile that Donald Trump and JD Trump are using it as a...
And a huge difference between saying something pretty accurate (Trump is a rapist) and knowingly telling un-American lies to the public. Parsing...
Agreed. Because the money from the sale goes into his own personal pocket. Not a government account, or back to the taxpayers. It's infuriating.
Ever notice that that guy is like my personal stalker? Get's all emotionally distraught when someone posts something bad about Trump, such as the...
"Trump failed in his first four years, but he'll be rilly rilly successful this time" ?? :)
Oh. Nothing is true any more. Unless you like it. Because of...... ^ that. :)
Emotional rant? :) The other poster said it already, and probably better, but; ... what kind of factless embracer of ignorance brings...