People need to be more specific, and clearly state that, after hearing all testimony and evidence, a jury found that Trump jammed his fingers into...
Big win for criminality and your criminal. You must be happy.
Sure. But Trump still tried to disenfranchise 10s of millions of voters. That's the important issue.
Bless your heart too!! You voted for a guy who repeatedly and publicly lied to your face, on a gamut of issues from policy to FEMA to racist lies...
And in this thread, if the prosecutor had been removed from the OJ Simpson trial, he wouldn't have cut the heads off two people with a knife....
My proposition would be that we start by insisting that intelligent, educated adults absolutely refuse to endorse or enable outright lying from...
Perhaps. I don't listen much to people who tolerate egregious, repeated public lying, or who vote for an adjudicated sexual assaulter and an...
Some of those ideas seem reasonable. I still won't read it. Won't read a bit of it. And, no offense, I won't trust you either. Why? Because...
Oh bless their little hearts - they think Trump (with the help of his lackeys) is going to do all those things he lied about doing, and totally...
Tom Homan's drunken fever dreams are fun!
Ran away from this one, did ya. No worries. Get back to us when you can substantiate some any of the things you say though, please.
Yeah, I'm sure they're all "Dem giveaways". How gullible does someone have to be to believe that?
Elect a clown.....
No, I did not. But I'd be very interested to quietly and respectfully listen (read, that is lol) if you were to explain why she either is or may...
And in this thread, mainstream media is to be believed again. Also; "pmsnbc" is super duper funny. (to a 5th grader) Also; Felony Don is...
Some folk got together and someone explained; "If we do the vote in secret, nobody will know who voted to release it, and it will be so sleazy...
Not clicking that video. Petty sure that if I do, it will tell me to ward off covid by eating horse dewormer, popping anti-malaria pills, and...
That's about it for now. We watch it all happen. One small step at a time. But steadily. Approximately half of us don't care. Good game,...
^ This. One step at a time. And people who should know better just watch.
It's just a criminal organization doing the bidding of a criminal. But using our tax dollars to fund it. Beyond obvious, but the message is;...