Hopefully the only INTs he throws this season. Hard to throw INTs when you’re standing next to CBN all game.
Cause my long hair just can’t cover up my redneck
Give the kid credit, he must be smart to get into Harvard.
And then the bowl game 11 days later.
Puh-Lease In college, we passed a cigarette around the huddle, during a time out. True story - Austin Peay ROTC team - flag football
SOS had every one of his QBs hold the ball the same way, up by the ear.
The guy trying to kill himself with an electric razor. LOL
I taught my daughter to talk smack to Georgia fans, growing up. She watched Florida win 2 football, 2 basketball and a baseball National...
I’m a Fanalo
In 74, I was a senior in pre school
I go to the intramural field with my Gator gear on.
Keep recruiting him!!! When he decides to transfer after a year in OK, we will swoop back in.
I need to find out where in Athens the recruits go so I can go recruit for the good guys. I already wear my Gator gear on campus and drive...
I don’t know if there’s ever been a better route runner at the collegiate level than Vann.
Damn, I was planning on going to one of his games at Woodward.
What’s the big deal with Waites? He looked like trash in the bowl game.
So Dealyn Evans, is he a singer?
Love Joe Walsh. Watch the video of Hotel California live, 1977 at the Capital Center. His face is classic. He really gets into playing his guitar.
The government needs to tax the family for what they received.
Shallow Hal flashbacks