Bless your heart. :)
I keep my vehicles until they pretty much wear out. I had a 1995 Dodge Dakota and Camry for 14 years. I traded in the truck and gave the Camry to...
Who really cares?
Made me look. Lol
I have the same opinion about primary care doctors. My last two have been female. Both have been the best I’ve ever had.
Didn’t know about the prayer wall thingy with DeSantis in 2019. Did a hurricane hit Florida in 2019? If not, maybe the prayer was year specific? Lol
If you lost thousands of dollars to the guy I think you might feel differently. He needs to be buried under the jail.
Golda and Margaret were two of the greatest leaders of all time. Just sayin
Urinals should be passed out for movies that run over 2 hours.
If you’re Putin yes it is.
If the mob had gotten to any of those you mentioned there would be a lot of dead rioters. The police would have had no other choice than to shoot...
What the hell is wrong with you. I keep the remote in my hand at all times. Paging Tampagtr. Time to turn in your man card. ;)
Theaters used to have intermission during long movies. Doesn’t that still exist?
Second charges of the same crime if found guilty often end with a longer sentence than the first. He needs to pay the price for that. Trump...
Why leave it alone? Bill Russell is my favorite basketball player of all time.
I have an unusual homeowners issue. When I sold my condo on the beach and bought a home inland. The title company or someone involved in closing...
Man I hate to be the contrarian here. I stopped watching pro sports many moons ago. Just lost interest as I got older. I’ll watch the Super Bowl...
My only vehicle is a 2015 nissan 4 cylinder Rogue with 77k miles. I’ll drive it till it dies. Lost my lust for new vehicles long ago.