So no more zoom meetings being naked from the waist down? Well poop.
Agree he has done nothing. However he has not “gutted” homeowners insurance as one poster said. What Fla. Governor in the recent past has...
No one has answered my question. You can say it over and over it does not make it true. I asked what he did to “gut” it. Pretty simple question....
I really enjoyed Apocalypto. Brutal, bloody, and a thriller. apocalypto - Google Search
When I went house hunting in April there were 3 major items I wanted. A house less than 5 years old. Nowhere near a flood zone. Inland and away...
Asked my wife if she wanted to see Barbie. Big no. Lol
I can’t argue this. That still doesn’t address my question.
It says “very small percentage” not leaving Florida. Curious what type of homes, age, etc., and where they will not be renewed? I think the...
This was already an issue in Florida before DeSantis became govna. I asked what he’s done to gut homeowners insurance? Nothing more, nothing less.
Have at it. Start with the Georgia team. Lol
bingo And that’s what the women soccer athletes want who protest. Recognition. Recognition is politics in this case. So be careful what you ask...
I’ve lived in Florida for 70 years and had homeowners insurance for my whole adult life. I’m ignorant about the “ gutting” of homeowners...
Paid $3.90 at Shell yesterday.
It smells too bad now. Have a gummy instead. That’s what I do.
Fwiw my post wasn’t serious.
Who is Q? Where and when did you meet him/her?
Re EBT You cannot purchase a sub made by Publix at the deli but you can buy the ingredients and make your own. You cannot buy any paper goods,...
Please don’t. Asking for a friend
I think this is a good idea with Colorado being at a higher elevation than Alabama. Less fuel needed due to less travel distance to get that...
Well you got your wish. $399.9 today for regular at the local Shell. This doesn’t affect me at all as I can afford it. Lots of people struggling...