I saw them both at Lallapalooza in 92. The only one I attended and the best of all time. It was wrapping up just as Hurricane Andrew was...
He’s another who should be rotting in a dark hole under a prison
We are a shithole country. Happened in the blink of an eye. But all great countries perish. This time it’s because our populace is rotten. They...
You know that ins crisis the one that’s being caused by ins carriers leaving the state. The DeSatan admin has and they’ve ID’d the cause it’s...
no words..
Unintentionally ironic.
George Carlin’s bit “Some people are stupid” explains the GOP. It’s a shame I can’t post it here in response to some of the nonsense I read.
Likely another WAIC (wild ass Internet claim) not to be taken seriously. Presumably extends to his tinder photos…:)
He tend to drop turds and not pick them up
AOC threw some shade back:) AOC Takes Veiled Shot At Matt Gaetz Sex Trafficking Probe After MTG Shows Pictures of Hunter Biden With ‘Prostitute’...
Cold be a legacy admission or affirmative action I suppose:rolleyes:
He is a “UF Lawyer”. I thought our law school was better than that:(
Me too. I’d be a great president. Alas I tend to speak the truth and calling the vast majority of the GOP shitheads would be used against me by...
A political exorcism should follow next, but the demon is too strong…
I don’t know how they top this without going in to space…
The power of Scientology! LOL
Nah she’s an ugly hag. Inside and out. I don’t do ugly…
The GOP is an implacable enemy of the US. Example 1001. Whopping NINETY-SIX Percent Oppose Supporting Ukraine Against Russia in Turning Points...
Seems completely unhinged - er a lovey thoughtful gift.