You could be completely right. Or maybe the Whitehouse has the ability to “stock up” and this isn’t out of the ordinary. Pretty hard to tell much...
If we’re doing this solely to see which administrations are worse or some kind of one-upmanship between parties, sure. That really misses the mark...
Yeah, perfect reason to not support Ukraine… :rolleyes: In the US just since December we’ve had more than $100M in fraud uncovered or convictions...
Yeah, I can see why you’d say that; we’ve long ago established you fully engage in “tribal politics.” Move along.
Nah, there were lots of companies that took the PPP loans and didn’t need it. My company at the time could have but we choose not to as we were...
Different purposes but the congressman was bitching about shifting debts to others which is exactly what PPP did and he partook of it. That’s the...
That’s not an explanation - just a generalized complaint. Politicians of all political philosophies pick sides based on their beliefs. This is no...
1) Yes, executive compensation has drastically outpaced worker compensation which is also a problem but you also have to keep in mind much of...
Heaven forbid someone uses their power to look out for the middle class. Over-leveraged businesses get bailed out frequently to the tune of...
I think the problem here is this bit of hypocrisy: “Proponents of this literally want student loan debt transferred to other people. It’s obnoxious.”
Haha, made it to Seattle, pops!
Those are very old planes. This is on Delta’s maintenance. Typing this on an Alaska Air Boeing 737 on the Atlanta tarmac…
Some absolutely loony theories from a couple posters on this thread.
I don’t know if the baby boomers are the worst generation since they all have their own issues - I’m not even sure how you measure that anyway....
Dimon could be right and he’s been very, very successful but it’s hard to take him seriously anymore. The guy has let his power get to his head...
On its face it seems promising but I’ve heard that Mike Johnson is not keen on it and Trump called him to tell Johnson to not agree to any border...
Apparently the Bradley didn’t do much more than disable the tank (still a kill) vs destroy it. There’s video on Twitter of three operators...
Neither Scalia nor Alito share your opinion per their holdings in Prince and Murphy. You simply don't understand the concept.
One of our companies is the commercial building space and it’s not so simple. Most commercial spaces are not well suited for residential...