This effin hilarious. Do you even have the faintest clue 1) why NATO was formed in the first place, and 2) the basic entry standards for joining...
Misleading title. Murdered is the word you’re looking for.
Japan is in a recession too. Japan unexpectedly slips into a recession
Yeah, I’ll be getting that when I age into it. Already had shingles at 32 and it wasn’t fun though i had a weak case.
Hydrogen may have its place but like @exiledgator I’m skeptical of the passenger vehicle use case. A couple areas from your post I think you make...
This might be the most obvious instance of projection I’ve seen on this site.
It’s an odd link that I wonder if they’ve properly controlled for all the variables. Like you I’ve never had the flu but I’ve also never had the...
That’s way too broad of a statement. It may be the long term answer for fleet operations and aviation but I completely disagree it’s the future...
Saw earlier one of the EU countries (Sweden?) said Russia was swinging the momentum its way. Not surprising with US aid not coming through.
I disagree the calls were even but I don’t think it was rigged. The holding by KC was pretty damn egregious.
Are we allowed to be in favor of EVs now? Asking for a friend.
Elementary student charged? That should include the kid’s parents.
Impeachable 30 years ago? Sure. Now? Not a chance.
He who would be President again boasting he would encourage Russia “to do whatever the hell they want” to fellow NATO members that don’t meet the...
Tell me about this “Rosa Parks award.” [img]
It doesn’t surprise me that a bunch of conspiracy theorists like you and your merry pack of “yes” men agreeing with your post would dispute...
That would require him to care. He has no qualms with posting factually incorrect information if it supports his worldview.
Can we keep both Biden and Trump off the ballots for this?
Greatest is not the same as great. Thinking there are one or more countries that are better in some measure than the US does not mean one believes...
“I’m in the middle” Lmao