Most of those mentioned are what I call Big Con. Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire, and the rest of Conservative Inc. exist for one reason and one...
Different time and different situation politically. Kari Lake is super sharp. She is a rising star. The disgruntled swing voter who hates where...
Nikki is not moderate and the female version of Paul Ryan. She got 3% of the votes at CPAC for President and 10% to be VP. She is a fake and in...
I highly doubt she will be considered for VP. She is so unpopular with conservatives that a write in candidate Perry Johnson at CPAC beat her in...
I am sure it's on Amazon. Trump's allies are Carlson, Bartiromo & Dobbs. May be missing someone but all others are falling in line. Dobbs has...
He's serious. Murdoch is pulling the strings, but not all his personalities falling in line. Murdoch is behind the DeSantis book.
Quite the opposite IMO. I have been a supporter of DeSantis, but he has baggage from how he voted in the past, he is doing some things in FL that...
The triggered lemming wants to wager her life over a timeline with facts. Can I talk you out of this? Life is not meh.
Smoke is everywhere and the timeline looks legit. [MEDIA]
you mean like when the CDC changed the definition of vaccine?
Don't shudder. Go to DuckDuckGo and put "Fauci" "HIV" in the search. You will find some scathing articles how he approached HIV. Here is just...
Fauci should be in jail.
This is a good read from MIT. The really big question is why would we work with the CCP on this or anything for that matter? This administration...
Boy, 12, Dead After Collapsing During No-Contact Football Practice: 'He Was So Happy to Be There' 12 year boy dies at non-contact football...
Student collapses in stands at basketball game totally normal
26-year-old Brown graduate, Forbes 30 Under 30 member, dies after completing marathon in Arizona Another brilliant athlete passes at age 26
Trump is not conniving. Nice try. I get that you Trump haters have a hard time with his honesty whether his thoughts/words are factual or not....
The conniving Haley has zero chance. She is trying to retain her professional finances by extending a career in politics that only coastal...