It is impressive that you all believe Biden got 81 million votes.
You guys gave us Ford Blasey and now this: [MEDIA]
When the left gets their feelings hurt by the truth, they call it a lie. Just a fact. I'd love to hear from this person and find out what the...
And he was right about the cat. [MEDIA]
To make it work, I use the facts, which apparently do not matter to most here. There is zero evidence of her 23 year old claim unless Trump is...
Could you imagine Biden doing an hour long town hall with Maria Bartiromo?
OJ is a murderer. Trump is being sued by a political activist bank rolled by one of Joe Biden's top donors Reid Hoffman. Reid hates Trump....
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire
Time is up for Biden. The DNC will discard him soon and begin branding for replacement. They turned it over to Weiss....
another CBS poll: [ATTACH]
That's not a serious poll. People want a secure border, lower costs of living and world peace. It's really that simple.
If only granny knew what trash was in our schools? [MEDIA]
Yes lots of envelopes did not vote for Trump.
[MEDIA] It's everything about you Joey Boots.
He has been a disaster for the women and children coming to the border. He was a disaster in Afghanistan. Embarrassing. Sending 60 billion of...
70% of americans - Google Search Simply google 70% of Americans or click on the link I shared. He hasn't done a bad job say's the 30% of the...
He's not going broke. His audience (the biggest on cable) will follow him wherever he goes.
Stunning development and long over due. Don't think for a minute this was not part of the Dominion money laundering suit. Fox will suffer in...
You're welcome for the softball.