My guess is Biden would release his delegates from their pledge to him, then endorse Kamala who if nominated would choose a VP. Still speculating...
More along the lines of America’s troubles....
I became NPA in Jan 2021. Previous to that was registered Repub for a few years, previous to that a Dem for a long while and previous to that a...
Agree. Considering another term for trump gives me the sads too.
I agree - they almost HAVE to run her even if they are convinced she can’t win. Or A large segment of the base needed to win downballot and in...
She is paid to speak well of him. It is a job requirement. She is co-chair of the RNC and she didn’t get that job through hard work and...
Her producer must be a wizard in the studio.
Shooter’s phone had searches for Biden, trump, and others. [MEDIA] Shooter searched images of President Biden, AG Garland, FBI Director Wray:...
Russia withdraws the last of its ships from Black Sea. Concedes defeat of its navy to a country without one. Russia pulled last Black Sea Fleet...
Could the campaign not buy ads for the new guy? I doubt campaign laws control what is said in a political ad (do they?) as long as its Joe’s voice...
Yes, she would fire up the base but has said repeatedly that she is not interested in returning to a political life.
Saw a piece in the online WaPo that the local PD informed the SS they (PD) did not have sufficient manpower to cover the outside of the shooter’s...
A unified MAGA is scary to contemplate.
Does the candidate “select” their detail or are they assigned by SS?
I’m much better off financially now than 4 years ago. Stock market has been phenomenal. But I’m 4 years older and uglier. I’ll vote for the...
For him, communing with God would just be a mirror
No doubt she is gone but Sec of HS or Biden may wait thinking that more cooperation will be had from a current government employee than a former...
He didn’t make that $15 contribution. That was done by a 60 year old man with the same name who lived nearby. Had to be 21 to make that donation...
At this point that’s exactly the likely scenario your imagination notwithstanding. Evidence to support your claim is needed. Evidence does not...
Yes, agreed. The Director is toast in due time. Onsite senior supervisors will need to answer a lot of questions too.