Amazing! I agree with much of what you have written - at least to a degree. therefore, you must be a reasonable fellow :emoji_relaxed: Actually,...
Ditto on this. Schwab has a S&P 500 index fund with no fees. Morningstar rates it very highly - either a 4 or 5 star (can’t remember which). I...
So, it's the communists, HR, colleges, and courtrooms that are robbing good honest people of their freedom to discriminate? wowza, what a load.
Thanks for asking. I didn’t know for certain either. I see HR and read Home Range which makes no sense but is the least of my brain problems
Ah yes. Of course - because Covid was ginned up in a lab by Chinese communists who were likely trans. Was an innocent oversight on my part.
A Transgenders with Covid thread looms in our future.
umm, was it Obama? Veterans Choice Act of 2014 - Requires hospital care and medical services to be furnished to veterans through contracts with...
I think Louisianagatorsmother may have left this earth.
Its the “freedom” to make others do what YOU want without consequences and its not limited to religion. It was the freedom to own land that...
The governing bodies of the individual sports should set the rules for competitors. No need for government to be involved. Personally, i’m against...
Don't think it changes much. trump was shot at. But maybe hit by something other than a bullet. Wray is head of the FBI who is leading the...
Wray said today in his testimony that there is “some question” whether trump was struck by a bullet or shrapnel.
Yeah, heard a brief segment that included this. Not sure what i think about an invited foreign head of state criticizing US citizens and getting...
Her husband is a bald-head jewish “man” who was born as Dougitta before his fiendishly successful transition surgery.
Her father was a Marxist.
I’m not certain of what year i came to know what about Clinton but i do know that the corruption and sleaze was too much for me in 92 and i could...
That kind of speech by an elected representative and political thought leader is a nudge. How many nudges will it take to get to the tipping point?
Official Duties.
This will be easy since Kamala is VP and gets to be the one to decide whether a state’s electoral votes should count or not. Get Eastman on this.
It was inevitable that she was going to be fired or allowed to resign (and retain her pension). But understand that the SS is a smallish and tight...