These would be the same successful political bettors who bet trump would pick Ben Carson as running mate?
The platform is typically completed at the convention, then candidates pick a few planks to prioritize and campaign on.
That is some seriously unhinged stuff. Situation normal
$10 million from Egypt? Inside the state-run...
Walz just Announced
That very young Romanian girl was so exquisitely happy and crying with joy for about 90 seconds thinking she had won the Bronze only to have the...
Biden tweeted an ominous message pointing at Iran and proxies. Things about to pop? Could be one of the factors driving down the market. [MEDIA]
Yeah, def tell me BUT after
Somehow the Olympics are about Covid. Shudda known.
Well, maybe a little
Give me a wink and a nod when it's the right time. TIA
Yep. Not sure which individual stocks will come out the biggest winners so I will be putting some cash into my index fund. The market as a whole...
Agree. The author of this book has known trump for 50+ years and played golf with him many, many times. He wrote about it. Commander in Cheat:...
Just finished Seven Seconds on Netflix and it was excellent. Great writing, spot on dialogue and well cast. The story revolves around a policeman...
When that kid started wailing it just ripped my heart out. Watonga would not want me on a jury.
And Gatorgal04 breathes a sigh of relief [MEDIA] I mean how many times could you try to spell Dubanewicz in a game?
The candidates should have left it in the hands of the Commission on Presidential Debates. That was not done this year....
The Freakanomics guys found that just having books in the house was the best indicator of academic success of children. The kids didn’t even have...
In the first couple of games the outside shooting was clang city. They really needed this
The athlete is Female to Male but competing as a female? I’m confused. Wouldn't there be hormones supplements involved and if transitioning to...