Um, no, his absence does not explain the score and stats of this game and the last. There are WAY more issues than a single football player. If...
May I assist? Only if I am correct in your take: [MEDIA]
This is mainly an epilog to the season rather than some dissertation about how this game is a symptom of some bigger issues. THAT was provided in...
I will be watching, either live or tomorrow morning on-demand, but I won't be posting anything in the game thread. Well, except for this time. I...
My purely uneducated - but brilliant in my own mind - guess is that he saw needs for on-field coaches at other positions more than a dedicated ST...
Feels like a piece to a 2-3 zone.
Upon further review... Got to complete the game via on-demand this AM. Fun game to watch. I could pick apart all the parts to figure out what...
Rationalization allows you to play "hard" and yet without much effort. Then you wash, rinse, and repeat. But yes, IF there are players who hate...
Pride is mainly about pre-game and the first quarter or so. If your team is "what they all expected" and the opposition is playing better, then...
Yeah, this is a symptom of Round 1 of a multi-round, thoroughly major league S__tshow known as major college football. Round 2 is going to be...
This is not an indictment on either the article or Napier and what he is attempting to do. But we do have the model for what is being proposed:...
FYI, The Lakers got blown out by the Rockets last night. Colin got into the game. 14+ minutes, 2 pts, 2 off reb, 2 assists, Fudge: on the bench...
Eh, looks like Micah needs to move to the stretch 4 next year. He IS practicing 3s in games. That's okay, he has someone tall to rely on rebounds...
Um, wow?
Hey, I am the one who writes the novels around here!!!:D Anyways, great job at discerning. Feel free to keep it up.
Man, that will be the game, since it would take the entire 60 minutes!
We obviously do not know what is happening in the background to warrant playing time or not. But under the current environment, I think it wise to...
A swing pass to ETN and he runs 60+ yards.