@GratefulGator - this was sarcasm… mocking the horrible officiating.
hahaha! I remember it well!
i know the video…. He is talking normally, and then just gets so annoyed… smacks the chair, cusses and leaves!
Typing as I listen… did good job to get a nine point lead in the second half .. and then we softened up. We didn’t guard well enough is the...
you can’t be serious… it was objectively horrific. There was about a 7 minute segment that was among the worst I’ve watched.
It was sarcasm… mocking the officiating.
Officiating aside … I didn’t like our rotations at all tonite. And though there were others who beat this drum loudly regarding Mike White, tonite...
Well I expect Samuel will be banned from basketball forever.
Gnite all
Well… this will go down as one of the more frustrating I’ve ever watched
Cmon Clayton. Dammit… knock that down.
Pullin probsbly shoudl stop shooting tonite
If I’m Todd… I’m taking the fine after this game, and I am ripping the officiating. This is conspiracy level stuff.
I’m tempted to turn this off. I have never seen officiating like this.
This is some of the worse officiating over ever seen
CLAYTON…. SHOOT!!!!!!!!! For the love of god… shoot!
Clayton can NOT pass up a 3. Ever
Jeeeezuz - this is getting ridiculous