My pronouns are hisself and theirselves.
Where did anyone ever get the idea that rights exist to shield people from the consequences of an act that is not itself enshrined as a right??
Should have joined the chess club, then.
I still haven't figured out how a white anti-vax Democrat could exist. I thought there was a lethal gene that prevented it.
For what it's worth, you calling me a bigot has been reported. Who in the hell do you think you are?
So let's justify transgendering prepubescent children by establishing that as the fair and equitable way for trans women to compete in women's...
Good luck getting women to stop voting for them, though. The Democrat party is now the ultimate bad boy who treats them like shit. They'll never...
Green Acres had Arnold the talking pig (he talked to everybody except Oliver Douglas and the viewer).
For the first time in our history, we can truly get fired up for Vandy and Kentucky. Tell me we're not going places.
We almost had another close-knit community on our hands. They dodged a bullet.
It's Dwyane. Learn to spell.
The officer whose head is going to roll over this incident would no doubt heartily agree with you.
Welcome to hell.
Texeira's best legal move at this point would be to put on a dress and trade in his pronouns.
Area 51 is dead. Long live Area 51.
Let's ban sex. Strike the ROOT!
Who's Bennie?
These are the guys who did the Gator flop and danced in the fountains afterward!
I would think it would be easy to determine who was driving in a crash at that speed because of the chest trauma inflicted by the steering wheel.
Even his weak moments betrayed his honesty and desire to do the right thing, e.g., the Playboy interview where he confessed that he had lusted...