Sometimes it’s because of a link. Sometimes a flag word. I’ve gotten it more than once with innocuous posts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Poor Dr Fauci. Trying to help people when the President he has to deal with can’t tell reality from his own want-to-be reality. [MEDIA] Exhibit...
Rand Paul positive for COVID19. After he held up the relief package to make everyone come back and vote, there’s a certain irony.
Trump STILL has not invoked the DPA, despite expressly stating he has done so. For those keeping score, that would be another lie. [MEDIA]
For those in the legal world, former federal prosecutor, publisher of above the and 44-year old marathoner, David Lat, was placed on a...
I found this informative. [MEDIA]
I’ll answer. Less than one-tenth of one percent.
Here is the answer that any president should give: I would tell them that we are working night and day to keep them as safe as we can. We will...
Which is incredibly scary.
This is so true. And we leave so many people out of adequate health care.
Every person here wishes you will be right, fever. The problem is everything we are seeing is going to other way. No one wants this. No one.
Florida, brace yourselves. [MEDIA]
That story is horrible.
Defense Department ready to test civilians for coronavirus, but hasn't been asked yet, general says ffs. What a horrible federal response.
In my first read of this, I saw “PC games” and thought it meant a computer game. :ninja2:
Doctors can prescribe a drug for a reason that is not approved. It is called using the drug “off label.” However, a company cannot advertise the...
Rep Ben McAdams COVID19+
U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread Shortages
Congressman Diaz-Balart of Miami is COVID19 positive.
This doesn’t help. Meet your silent carriers. [MEDIA] That’s in Miami. I hear we may have some old people there.