Yeah I wasn't clear. That was her analysis. I don't know if it is right or wrong.
Maybe but she tested negative on the antibody test. Twice
Based on my mother in laws reports (she is a retired nurse who has now had two separate cases of COVID, it is a mutation. First time, periodic...
So if I gather correctly, when we open up there is going to be a surge. Aren’t we back on the trajectory we were on before the shutdown? Was it...
Our country has gotten way out of balance when a someone tries to justify the discharge of a firearm at someone else for anything other than last...
In a study of one, my mother in law saw a drastic reduction of symptoms, including O2 saturation, while on the first course. They relapsed...
Edit: accidental duplicate
Point 1: Canada SHOULD have fewer deaths per million. They have about the same population density as Wyoming. The UK SHOULD have more deaths per...
Good time to be a LabCorp stockholder
I know you are joking but... my cousin is an officer in Portland OR and got a call out to one of those places for domestic violence. The poor girl...
I wonder how many wear a mask and continuously touch their face by adjusting it. I wonder how many people bring home produce and eat it without...
My guess is 10x or more are sick than have been confirmed
I hope you are right. My wife asked if this was an overraction. Yes we are over reacting to what is happening RIGHT NOW. We are acting...
There is a certain degree of sensationalism to journalism, but none in that question. That one changed my wife's mind on November
After watching these noon press conferences several days in a row, I have come to the conclusion that Trump should stand on the side, Pence should...
Since it takes a few days to return results, aren't we looking at Tuesday's data today? Friday's data will be Monday, etc?
Why wouldn't the President make a statement about how people are feeling?
Somehow I missed that Monsanto was bought. That is the worst corporation to ever exist
I'm no Trump supporter but it sounded like the unemployment Mnuchin was referring to was temporary and Trump was referring long term. As for the...