It's actually "true" based on Napier's results so far, his mistakes, ineffectiveness, and .... some of the odd things he says. You could not at...
Winning is never off topic!
Destroyed them with their backups. Not much was mentioned about that after the slaughter.
I believe you. When we played a season opener 2019, both teams were really off, but we won. Hoping we are way more polished this time. Want to...
7 RS then a bowl win would be a marked improvement. If he can do 8 RS, all the better. Going to ruffle some feathers but the outcome is what...
I do not believe it would confuse defenses but I could see Napier and Sale trying it, just to see.
Gimmicks really shouldn't be necessary.
^^^^^^^^ Hijack Alert!!!!
Power struggle over an office renovation? Seems odd. I can imagine some are resistant to change and would consider someone trying to make change...
I would say the writing is on the wall if we only win 6. Nope, doesn't mean Admin makes a change. But win 6 only and the recruiting classes Napier...
No way. We and three other teams finished 3-5 last season, while 3 teams finished worse. So were we tied for 8th? I have doubts we will finish...
Hope we upstage Shart and his intention of hammering us with ETN.
Seems that a lot of good players have committed elsewhere. Will be difficult to flip so many. Not sure how it plays out. The more wins, the better...
We have a lot going for us, at home, WRs, QB, good RBs. Need to pressure their QB.
Go on?
And that was a couple of months ago I believe. If we were on the right track then, staff has been building on that. The miami game is going to be...
I mean I could see high draft picks opting out.
Would need a tshirt to mock fsu.
Agreed. Thinking $10 large on the over.
Bobby, to me, 8 total wins and a 15ish class could equal two years. But I believe he has a 7 year contract so if Admin is happy, he has two years,...