Enemy of the state or enemy of the people for anyone who does not kiss the orange one's ass. That might evolve into insurgents or anarchists to...
Jeanne Pirro to head the addictions division of the national institute of health
The p2025 folks would love to provoke protests, then unleash the military on them. If that happens, we truly are done as a country.
Separation of powers and independence are over rated anyway. Just have him rule by decree. His worshippers will love it.
You can be president of his fan club!
Head of the FCC
Who knows what the stooges in black robes will do when it reaches them. Maybe they will make it compulsory nation wide. Praise be.
With or without Lagway? Really hoping the depleted Gators find a way. Sick and tired of losing to lsu. It has to turn around sometime, right? It...
Giving " The Onion" a run for its money
SCOTUS pick if Alito retires.
It won't be defense. Everything else is on the chopping block.
Sharpie time again, problem is there are no blue states within striking distance of the storm.
Anyone got a fiddle? I need something to do while Rome burns.
Yep, weaponizing doj to new levels.
LOL Waiting for Tucker and Jesse to get picked as well.
Yep a catch 22: hire " the" guy who can restore a pulse to this program versus a perpetual coaching recycling program on a path to oblivion....
The only remaining " checks" are the mid terms in '26 and the next general in '28, but don't hold your breath.
They wanted their orange emperor and they will soon have him.
A party having won all three branches via elections in nothing new. What sets this apart is the idea that there are not checks and balances and...
As long as appointments sail through with no vetting and a blank check is provided to Trump, that is all that matters.