Love the no quit!
ending quickly versus ending well are two different things. Ukraine could end it today by surrendering to mother Russia. That would not be in our...
Perhaps she can succeed the orange guy
Bad idea, a mulligan for the Head Ball Coach.
Go Vols.
I'd rather not but I get your drift ;)
Might explain MTG
He just wants to erase it altogether. Why beat around the bush Swarmy?
They put their fingers in their ears, jump up and down, and yell " fake news".
Some still need to get it through their thick heads that tariffs are not paid by the other country, but by the consumers.
figures, so much for transparent government. Who do they work for again?
Perhaps Putin can give a speech at CPAC or the gop convention.
Some senators will posture, but at the end of the day they will do dear leaders bidding. Crossing Trump is an early exit from the party.
So will the corndogs play the " sara" card now? lol
That and clean air, water land, safe food, safe products, safe working conditions, access to health care, all vastly over rated.
good luck with that