There may be just as many cons on Gator Country, but you spend much time reading any of threads they are dominated by the 10-15 leftist that know...
None of this stuff actually happened and there is no proof of it!!!! If you would only pay attention to the correct sources, you too could have a...
[img] Anything remotely negative towards the "D"!!! At least with the leftist echo chamber known as THFSG
And there we have it folks!!!!! Democrat word of the day. ILLUSION It is the drinking word for consumption of any liberal commentary.
If it is fine with you then why do you and the rest of the echo chamber continually try to change the mind of anyone not left?
Shift goals? What are you even talking about? Biden says he never talked to Hunter or business associates about business. Now 20 plus times he...
Unfortunately for you lefty's your opinion on who the pubs pick has zero influence. Clean your own house before you tell us how to run ours.
Left leaning posters should wake the F%$k up and realize your old dipshit bumbling God is just as bad as the right's Orange God
"Not one word" And the right is the cult. Hook line and sinker! You go boys, keep believing this and I hope you practice up on your mandarin...
So, you are naive enough to believe, that Hunter, with all his drugs, hookers and whatever, was accomplished enough to con all these high-powered...
And yet here you are for more!!! Do you really think I have I iota of care of what some left-wing extremist thinks about what I post?
So why do you keep coming back for more?
Yes, you are correct and know what getting ridiculed is all about!!!!!
Look if you are not curious just don't say anything and move on. I'm not backing up what I put in the original op. If you want to police...
Obviously, this board leans left, any questions of the left leaders are met with you must be trying to start a conspiracy. I googled it and tried...
So, the former Presidents shows up with a black eye and tape/Band-Aid on his fingers and you are not interested in what caused it? Doesn't he...
Has anyone read anywhere what happen? I'm not implying he had anything to do with the chef's death, but some odd coincidences and seeing if anyone...
To refresh your memory. Lots of demands and lots of reasons to impeach....
I know you honestly believe that anyone who wouldn't vote for the bumbling idiot we have now must be in the orange cult, step back a minute and...
Appreciate your honesty if indeed you are being honest. I don't think what the dems want to do and have done to this country is good, so I will...