I know there is absolutely no connection here because we don't have "HARD" evidence. What we do have though is a meeting with Hunter and the wife...
So, like 10 members of the Biden family got paid by the shell companies and they have nothing to do with these companies and hell, no one knows...
Who is trying to make it a gotcha moment??? I'm just saying all the $hit about her body her right is BS!! It's only hers until you say it isn't,...
You can call them silly word games all you want. Fact is the democrats have been very good at trying to change the definition of words. Words...
Then you should understand calling this a women's right, it her body, is a false statement. It is only her body when people like you decide that...
I asked this in another thread and still haven't had any of the "Pro Abortion" folks give me an answer. If you claim it is a woman's body, it is...
I know you guys want this off the front page but low and behold, new information that Hunter's business associates visited the WH to see Joe while...
Wow how well is this thread playing now that a month later oil has hit $82/barrel.
You totally don't get the Biden way!!! Spend a couple extra trillion on COVID one year creating a deficit, then follow it eliminating that...
Another witness but there has been none so far, or that's not what was said, or how do you know what they talked about 20 plus times, besides it...
Exactly how I think about Uncle Joe and the sniffing!!!
I guess that is the difference between you and me and mostly the left and right. I think your political views are asinine and not good for this...
You deserve the representation you vote for!
This shows what kind of disgusting person you are.
Well, well, well...... Ok so now 20 plus phone calls no business discussion. Dinner with 4 0r 5 of Hunter's international business partners, no...
Liberal studies on how to train children to be liberal as adults!!! The country is so much better today than it ever was once we stopped corporal...
Good conversation!!! I hadn't read any perfect solutions, but I think if first takes all of us who are paying the taxes to be open to differing...
Just trying to find out who we can trust with their reporting. I guess that is a moving target though for most of you leftist.
I know nothing!!!!! Well, I know nothing intimate!!! I never spoke to Hunter or his business associates. Well, only the 20 plus times but we...
Were the funds withheld?