Sounds a little bit like you participate in great evil known as capitalism!
If you own property isn't that a little unfair to expect insurance to cover your loss?
if her net worth was $740 mil pre tour she obviously doesn't need any of the money she is making so I think she should donate all of it to the...
Thanks for the response and I appreciate what you are saying. I will add though, that if over 99% of every species on earth has become extinct and...
Or Trump!!!! Because he retweeted a couple of supposedly Q tweets!! Some Q followers thought a song was a call to them!! Talk about conspiracy
The climate changes over time and I don't think that is up for debate. The level man effects it is where the cult feeling is. We want to wreck...
I have read this waiting on the climate change cult to chime in!! Don't we only have like 10 years left? And to think there was a thread about...
Once again???? Not sure if you are being obtuse to be obtuse or if you really are. Re read what I said, Biden will give them documentation to...
Well, that's about a half million votes for the D's. The real reason they have the border open. If they get a tax ID they will get a DL and then...
He definitely has a point though. We each have a level of disruption, misconduct, harassment, whatever that we will put up with if we like the...
This is the kind of stuff that keeps us divided and so called enlighten fall right in line! When you start with this guy being a Christian, I am...
We agree on little but I 100% agree with what you said. I have just as many conservative friends that like an occasional toke as I do liberal, so...
I appreciate you considering, at least what is right in front of you. As far as Russia helping Trump, I don't think anyone on the right really...
Yes, you are correct!! I was more referring to them making policy but yes it wouldn't work if we didn't have at least some of them.
It is very sad and does happen on both sides of the aisle. I'm concerned it may be happing down the street in WH also. Unelected bureaucrats are...
As I said, I'm not the one caught up in hyper-partisanship. I'm sure you won't accept these....
Sorry it is not hyper-partisanship. He is a flat out dishonest. Just look at things he said throughout the past several years that were flatly...
You lost me with Schiff.
I can't speak for all Christians but I know how I interpret the scripture, just about overindulging in just about anything could be viewed as a...
This exactly the kind of questions that need to be addressed before we can go forward in my opinion. In no way was that induvials use of MJ over...