Yes. Your point is wrong. the majority of the time a GOP’r rails against what ever perceived perversion it may be, that person is guilty of...
Great post. Experienced by too many. Many many people people are shitheads…
LOL. The word you are trying to spell is still spelled “dissent”. Second time in this thread. Not a good look.
INCORRECT! when it comes to people railing against queer people, sexuality in general and sexual predation with GOP politicians and the rank and...
So now it’s widely known that DeSatan is a a white booted fascist, a racist and a midget bigot. But what else don’t we know about him?...
The 3 year olds are aware of their sexuality by then good time to discuss it. Understanding Early Sexual Development
Yours too
I do
We do that a lot…
They made a documentary about that called Snowpiercer
It’s certainly interesting to watch someone who can only communicate in memes emojis and gifs. It’s like watching Bumblebee in Transformers only...
Not sure his tiny hands and fingers have the requisite strength to hold and fire a hand cannon like a Glock 40 caliber. Police Have Found the Gun...
It just hit 101,105 F in McKinneyy. Everyone there is dead. I’ve been there I call it a good start:) Dallas Weatherman Has Hilarious...
he who blithely ignores the past is doomed to repeat it. Don’t be your ostrich self!
They’re monsters too..
It’s just that “you” (NOT YOU!) use so many words and phrases all together, all the time that are exactly the words and phrases racist white...
It all a matter of chance. You were the lucky egg.
Trumps new attorney doesn’t seem to be a value add.. Fox News Anchor John Roberts Gives Trump Lawyer Two Brutal Doses Of Reality During Live...
It’s totally a thing especially in place where the GOP has infected government. Many many people who I like to refer to as shitheads, (NOT YOU!)...