Objection! Presumes facts not in evidence…
Wut? Where’s the insult?
Forgetfulness is rampant with octogenarians even those who aren’t senile.
Likely future DeSatan quote “let’s face the Jews deserved it” or white people deserve reparations
Post and you shall recieve! Should have PM’d him.
So his education WAS shitty. People with bad educations often have rotten belief systems in my experience
I gotta say I am the pinnacle of health not elite of course but 95th percentile through out my life in triathlons biking sailing swimming and...
I see what’s going on with DeSatan now. He deeply deeply doesn’t want to be President but he has a dark rider, an alternate personality that if...
Wut? The solution would be not to take the dog to work. Sheesh
The funny thing is that morons (NOT O&B!) with not two red cents two rub together bark like seals every time a GOP’r advocate for lower taxes and...
A good first step. I’ll allow for quibbling over the threshold but more taxation of large estates is much needed. As a fiscal conservative I...
DeSatan continues to be-clown himself ‘Embarrassingly Bad’: DeSantis Fans Pan Candidate For Offering ‘Loony Quack’ RFK Jr. a Job in His...
Expire like a Norwegian Blue. I’d vote for his inclusion in hell but it doesn’t exist so I guess I never will.
you almost have it, he knows less than almost everyone else. Apropos to nothing I am reminded of Carlins quote “Think of how stupid the average...
See what he does when a rabid bobcat latches on to him. Edit he’s pretty dumb might ask for ivermectin.
Saw it too! But also a green flash right at the end. Weird.
Well there’s some good news with man made global warming. We’re going to get it over with quickly. Hope I can eke out 30 years so I don’t have to...
I doubt this finds anything, I am pretty sure the GOP and the ilk are controlled by alien parasites and I assume those members will cover it up....
He’s such a self absorbed twit. Like the nation is praying for that clown. I don’t pray but I do have wishes - he wouldn’t like them:) [MEDIA]
Oh course that half wit Dbag Elon had to chime in. I’d like to see LeBron stick his size 18 shoe down his windpipe. Elon Musk Immediately...