At her place..
You got it. I suppose there’s a % of people who are either too stupid to know who or what they’re voting for or just voting GOP because their...
Nonsense. I don’t ID them by their politics I judge them by the things the say, do and most importantly the people they support. Just happens to...
You’re Chuck Norris like you’re a lawyer…
It’s not Optimal and eventually I’m leaving (got to stay as long as my parents are around) but it is what it is. They’re shitheads and that’s...
Sure that’s the ticket. Everyone is laughing at you dude. It’s a bad look and biggest self own I’ve seen here. I’m calling BS on the UF part too....
DeSatan in bid to save cash makes generous offer to potential staffers. DeSantis Offers Campaign Staff Opportunity to Work for Free in Exchange...
Speaking for only myself it’s a reference to low IQ, easily lead, un-American bigots plus a view other nasty adjectives.
No that I think about it I can’t recall seeing a DeSatan bumper sticker of boat flag in the last couple of months
Too funny. When informed he’s down 30 points (In Iowa!) to Trump the best DeSatan can offer is “Says You!” DeSantis Taken Aback When NBC...
So who’s worried about UF “Lawyer” in the event of a civil car. LOL
Per The Times, recent Federal Election Commission (FEC) filingsshow filings "the Scott campaign made $4.3 million in payments from April 1 to June...
Seek professional help immediately….
I’d add office space
You’re very manly. Everyone thinks so.:rolleyes::rolleyes: No doubt also a top notch “Lawyer”
A quick poll of the board says “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”
There’s so much UF “Lawyer” knows to be true that isn’t.
I don’t think it will go like he thinks the proud boys got routed and bloodied by drag queens. Antifa, Black Panthers and pipe yielding Teamster...
This GOP’r were born with a stick up their butt. Like a vestigial spine.
when a porn star with first hand experience refers to a presidents penis as a YETI MUSHROOM DICK I’m going to bring that up frequently....