Just sayin' I've never seen a situation like this where literally nobody cares, no "prayers for the family" etc. Just cold, hard cynicism.
IDK. I haven't really gotten into those details. Too busy marveling at the comment sections. Again, not one once of sympathy. I doubt it would...
I'd say it's beyond apathy. Let's just say that "The Terror 2.0" isn't that big a jump from where we're at now. I remember seeing a poll a year or...
Them and Private Equity. The 4' Tapeworms of our society/economy.
You know it is. Probably had wife/daughter die of cancer due to UFC not paying/approving services, etc. Because, you know, ROI > Human Life.
The comment sections on every story are amazing. Not a single ounce of sympathy. Just pillorying UFC over and over and over. The worm is really...
What threw Mullen off is that almost half the fanbase (Recruiting Guy) was still up his arse after 3 very good seasons. Right or wrong, I think he...
I guess. Not to be a dick, but this feels a bit like giving Muschamp that 4th year. Just sayin' That said, if "the guy" isn't out there, then...
Can't recommend France 24 (English live stream on YT) more for anything international and breaking. They'll be 1000 miles in front of and 1000...
He did it to me. No loss. He, Duggar and a few others have literally nothing to offer whatsoever outside of a laugh at how ridiculous they are.
He's a one-trick, rhetorical windbag. Stop wasting your time with him. Karma will catch up to him and his kind.
No other point in history matches up as well. I've even thought hard about other ones to use for comparison's sake, but just can't find any. Face...
I don't think they'll ever get it. It's over twice the distance of D-Day, under worse conditions (only 4 months out of the year it can even be...
More of a hunch and a "My Strengths vs. Your Weaknesses" thing. If I'm China, and I want a showdown where my strengths (manpower, distance,...
IMO, they're just figureheads and there is a cadre behind the scenes running things. JMHO, but I don't see that dolt running anything, even a...
I think there is a General (or Generals) who would step in and take over. . . and are probably running the country now.
Oh it's real. And from our resident Traitor in Chief, no less. Guy just lives to run down the US and pump up every shit regime in the world.
Translation: My PR guys are better than your PR guys! So there!!!! MAGA forever baby!!!!!
If you already know what they're going to say before they say it, what's the point in watching? I cannot even comprehend the mind that watches FOX...
He doesn't care. I think he wants them to get experience. And that's not a good thing.