It’s not even a shocking hot take fellas it’s just childish. It’s like something an awkward pre teen would say hoping for a chuckle.
And why is that happening? Answer- because Russia has invaded Ukraine and won’t stop. It’s Russia’s fault this is happening.
then direct your ire at the Russians. Their decisions have forced us all to this point. Short of surrendering I’m not sure what else you expect...
1. The us never signed any agreement about cluster munitions. 2. It is murderous when it’s done as an act of aggression aimed at civilians....
the very sad truth about this unnecessary war is that the Ukrainian people and country will require a whole generation to recover and they’ll...
While the legacy of cluster munitions is unexploded ordinance killing children (yeah they suck really bad) - Ukraine is in a war for survival. I'm...
The cluster bomb stuff is dumb. Russia has already used cluster munitions on actual Ukrainian civilians. But god forbid Ukraine shoots them at...
A full on invasion in Europe was a bridge too far. The indirect war in the Donbas certainly pissed me off. Syria is a gd shame and I still shake...
im sure that sounded smart in your head when you wrote it out. I bet you read it back to yourself and even got a little tingle in your niblets. A...
Are you guys talking to dugger? Man I almost want to unblock him just to laugh at him. I mean according to him russia was going to win a long time...
Really excellent read on the artillery situation and how Russia's back is against the wall in the Artillery war now. Ukraine Update: Russia...
based on everything I’m reading I agree with this. And Ukraine has been causing serious damage. The addition of long range weapons has, imo,...
This shit always makes me laugh. If the Democratic Party, en masse, was competent and effective enough to pull off the biggest voter fraud in...
Ukraine has not given up the offensive. I think people are just underestimating how long it takes to clear these massive minefields wall also...
More updates from today: Day 497 - note 30+ artillery kills again. They talk about it in the update - The Ukrainian strategy is clearly to move...
So sensitive. Why post this? The rate of offensive gains can ebb and flow. People like you looked like idiots post Kharkiv and no one on “ team...
Looks like Ukraine is advancing for the first time since near Donetsk. Something the Russians have never been able to do since the war began....
Anyway back to updates. Here is a great one with a ton of detail about troop deployments in the east and what it means. Ukraine Update: 'Swedish...