The liberals overplaying their hand thing… What does that even mean? I keep seeing cons say this.
By teaching AP psychology? Which isn't even a required course, it's just something people elect to take? Lulz, ok
I just posted from a conservative source. The heritage foundation is a conservative think tank. Just use better sources.
yeah… then we get to say you’re obviously biased. That’s how that works. Anecdotes are not evidence it’s just confirmation bias.
It is sad though that a teacher made fun of your kid. I don't care what the topic was - if I felt like a teacher did something inappropriate with...
Ok so what it said is while teachers across the country on the average lean slightly liberal, most have similar beliefs to college educated people...
did you even read it mr radical? The major policy implication is for state legislators, school boards, and parents to restrict the growth of...
he’s gone off the rails recently. Try to educate yourself Burke....
There is no guarantee a conservative teacher won’t go rogue either. You can never make those kind of guarantees.
Russian defenses in Zaporizhia are starting to collapse, plus more Russian stuff blowing up Dailykos has done a good job reporting on the war...
Yep. Def means the Russians are going to win now. Of course. Thanks for reminding us. In all seriousness I only saw verification of 2, one of...
Guys don’t buy the Russian propaganda. The same video of one failed attack are being used to color the whole offensive as a failure. The offensive...
I’ve seen a confirmed leopard kill. They’re not invulnerable. But for sure the full counter offensive is on. Will be interesting to see what they...
It’s cause the right has lost their collective minds on this issue probably as much as they lost it over masking, vaccines, and stolen elections....
I have a sword!
This thread is dumb. I know conservatives that can barely use a hammer without crushing their fingers and I know a literal die hard liberal...
I have a pocket knife in my car. Along with an old battery powered radio, a flashlight, some first aid stuff, etc.
Oh really? How many? Which ones? I guess it's a massive conspiracy and cover up?