Again, when Lincoln was elected, half the nation …left the nation. Before he even did anything.
Maybe that’s all my criticism amounts to, but these comparisons just feel even more problematic. Like comparing apples to …1970s anime.
Valid question, but my criticism is even more fundamental. How can we even compare people like Madison to Coolidge to LBJ to Biden? These...
Fair point.
Exactly. I think people often misconstrue the real tribes to which people belong. On this board, black and white, male and female, rich and poor,...
Im very sorry to hear this 51. I don’t know much about CHF, but I will echo your last sentence. You’ve got some days ahead, and they can be great...
That was a good win. Well played gators.
Oh man I forgot about this. Good call, but it was actually Tony Joiner talking about Tennessee. “That really is where we want to get,” Joiner...
Valid point. There are some barriers indeed.
Again if nothing ever happened for the first time, life wouldn’t be on this planet. Of course it seems ludicrous to suggest a third party will win...
To me, the point of the article was not about who abandoned whom or who owed whom or anything like that. The point was simply that Walter Clayton...
UF: 82 UGA: 81 MVG: Clayton SOG: 8
A vote for a third party might be a wasted vote, but maybe not. A good argument can be made that a vote for one of the two majors parties is also...
When FA Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom, he dedicated it to the “socialists of both parties.” I think it’s worth considering what one of history’s...
I like rank choice voting as well, as it seems lots of information is lost when voters are only allowed to choose a single candidate in a field....
To my lights, this is a pretty good answer. We can never be fully conscious of our biases, but exposing ourselves to diverse perspectives, as you...
Perhaps. However, if you believe that millions of Americans can be fooled by media propaganda, what makes you think you are different?
Indeed the parties are private, so it seems they should be able to operate their business and pick their representatives however they want. We can...
Yeah maybe, but a look back might turn up some other examples. [IMG]
Thanks, iam. This is great data, and I agree with you that it suggests that we are not overusing our guards relative to our SEC counterparts.