I like the spirit of this. I am troubled by the last problem you identify about the electorate, as it seems so fundamental and so challenging. How...
I don’t care so much about the left vs right squabble, but as far as accurately representing the views of our citizens, about which I do care, the...
To my lights, the rural v urban distinction is the only one that probably actually exists on some level. The state by state identities aren’t real...
Exactly, what is the alternative to free speech we are seeking here? Free speech, except when we deem the company to be really powerful and...
This is a terrible incident, even if it ends up being some kind of joke. Closer to home, we really need to address the extreme level of...
Thanks Pit. This is one of my favorite subjects, so I really can’t explain why I’ve never read this book. I’ve read other books on this topic,...
I think prediction markets are the best tool we have for predicting future outcomes for the reasons you are stating. That said, even the best we...
It’s hard to know for sure from this picture, but it appears the same way to my eye. That said, this will occur with the mean whenever the...
By community, I understand you to mean the people storming the court. Under Bazza’s plan, the act of celebration for the win would itself nullify...
I am very sorry to hear about your lost employments, dugger. Unemployment can be a bank breaking and heartbreaking affair. Hopefully, you have...
You’re right that @Bazza’s idea would punish the winning players, but it would also punish the fans in the arena and the school in charge of the...
Global temperature is still off the charts. 2024’s temp will likely rival 2023’s and could even surpass it depending on how long this El Niño...
Recent article on her from NYT: A Trump Judge Under Scrutiny
Eh, this statement is not without warrant, as we did look vulnerable to the pressure. That said, Golden and crew watched the same game and likely...
Again, I don’t think we will ever have a criterion for truth, but I do think we need a critical mass to agree on a process for determining truth...
In addition to the points brought up above, there’s also a geometric math problem. Let’s say 40k students go to UF. Average fertility rate in the...
Gators: 91 Vandy: 78 SOG: 8 MVG: Clayton
I do not think this is beside the point. Your argument hinges on you being the ultimate arbiter of what is and what is not evidence. My suggestion...
The search for a criterion of truth has lasted for thousands of years, and of course I won’t be able to end it here. However, I do believe that...
I’m not invoking logic or addressing the evidence for viruses. I’m just noting that your claim isn’t universally accepted and therefore requires a...