Yes. I did. That's why he's a tool.
There is not a tool box big enough for the political tools in Florida. [ATTACH] [MEDIA]
Wow. That is no only impractical to the extreme, it also disparages the ability of parents to engage with their child, reinforce the learning,...
Since it's not going to be based on what is safe for the child's development, how do you navigate teaching about a topic based on competing...
Do you know of any reputable studies suggesting that learning about systemic discrimination is harmful to students' development. What about...
I simply cannot understand how educating children about systemic discrimination is considered BS. Nor do I understand how acknowledging gender...
His assertion is meritless (false equivalency) and only intended to outrage, I think. Your comment about miscarriages involves issues of the...
Can you please stop the masterbatorial conflict?
One side wants to attack public education, the other doesn't. Therefore, neither side seems interested in common ground? I guess the Governor...
'zero'? Elaborate.
If there's anything that will sink us it's reaching of critical mass of folks that abandon independent, critical thinking and wallow in the cess...
Yeah. His assertion is incorrect. I am at the point where I rather not put the research effort in refuting empty statements from low effort...
Did you provide any facts? All I saw was unproductive drivel. My apologies. :rolleyes: Methinks the next statement you make supported by...
Sadly, this is a blowhard statement without evidence. Vapid, infantile and unproductive.
I see (via incognito) that Q has joined 715 on this thread. This begs the age-old question... can you derail the same train twice?
I don't think he is. He is just escalating the BS because he is getting pushed around so badly.
Again, false equivalencies. "revocation of a special tax district" as a punishment for free speech is different than requiring gender diversity...
Irrelevant to his point. False equivalency. Not all policies/regulations are equal because they are policies/regulations. Strawman. That's not...
I see no reason to engage in a dialog with you. You never admit you're wrong and you never acknowledge the merits of an opposing argument. When...