Shapiro or Newsome. I’d personally prefer Whitmer but this is a shit hole country and I think a female is at a significant disadvantage.
Lol Thomas is such a piece of shit.
Shit hole country
Yes he has to voluntarily step aside but I think he's being told what to do (which sadly for the country I believe is for him to stay in the race...
I see no heir apparent who can galvanize the deplorables like he can. And after 4 more years of his trolling shit and supreme court rulings...
I think it will be a 4 year term. But otherwise I largely agree with you. Minority rule. It’s gonna get very ugly.
It’s not too late. Democratic Party just needs to grow a pair and do what needs to be done. But they won’t because they are a neverending shit show.
Then Trump is going to win. Incredibly depressing.
Biden will lose. Harris would lose worse.
The golden rule just happens to transcend most religions on earth and pre-dates Christ by thousands of years. If they wanted to hang that on the...
#4 Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy? How is that important in any way whatsoever from a standpoint of morality? But hey 60% ain’t bad!...
right he’s yours.
Yeah he’s terrible so many Dems will stay home. And he’s going to lose to a rapist felon that the GOP voted for.
lol don’t be mad at @ democrats for electing Donald Trump. They aren’t the ones voting for him.
President Trump will fix it.
Probably not. But best chance is to replace Joe. I can’t see how anyone can deny that at this point.
Trump will probably win regardless. But Joe has no shot at this point. Might as well toss a Hail Mary. I’m sure you’re hoping Joe stays the...
Please sweet baby Jesus, for the love of god, step down.
I’d vote for a corpse to keep Trump out of office. So yeah he does. It won’t matter tho. He’s not going to win.
I’ll assume they were complicit but I gotta be honest I don’t watch the news. I haven’t had a news channel of any sort on in my home since...