Bless your heart. You probably thought this was clever.
Idiocracy is being fully realized. We are a nation of morons. We deserve Trump and all the consequences. Wish that weren’t the case but it is.
that’s called not being a cult.
Or the atheists/agnostics. The fact they are advocating for a god at all is unconstitutional.
I think he’s toast. Last night felt like an inflection point.
I doubt he does either because the dem party are a bunch of feckless boobs. But if he did I, sadly, think it should be a man. Better chance of...
She's already in the history books. And yes, this would require ignoring a lot of historical political precedent to happen. We are clearly in...
It will be a big deal when the american people ELECT a woman to a 4 year term. This would be some technicality bullshit that the vast majority of...
You're crazy if you think having a black female president (that nobody likes!) for any period of time wouldn't trigger over 50% of the US...
I think that would enrage a huge portion of the electorate. I don't know ANYBODY who wants Kamala Harris to be president other than Kamala...
Maybe they can just pay her an obscene amount of money to take one for the team and make this easy.
The display of the ten commandments endorses a specific god. Yahweh. Hardly universal and clearly unconstitutional. Weird hill to die on.