Not sure if this was posted. Citigroup allowing some exceptions and have offered cash incentives and education sessions, not now they take the...
Not the best and brightest.
I love when this thread gets updated with arrests and convictions of these morons. Every time one gets thrown in jail, America becomes a better...
As I said before, trumpsters get all snarky when hundreds of their fellow Proud Boys and insurrectionist buddies get locked up.
Great post but apparently to some, having basic common sense makes you better than mere mortals. Pretty low bar for some.
No disrespect taken. My family and I are vaxxed and are cautious mostly for the benefit of other people. We would prob be fine if we caught Covid...
Non vaxxed in our office aren't allowed to use cloth masks. Good news about working for a small company where I control just about everything,...
He did wear a mask at work because he was required to since he wasn’t vaxxed. Good news is that he doesn’t seem to have infected anyone else here.
He is definitely an outlier, plenty of my son's friends have covid now and most aren't too minimally impacted. It is just sad to see for this...
Covid is tearing thru our county in Atlanta. A lot of the cases from friends and coworkers seem pretty mild, but a couple of people getting...
Yup. You can't guarantee those things for your kid, but you can certainly swing the odds considerably, just like you can with Covid.
It amazes me that any American is pro Trump. I get if people don’t like Biden, but how the hell can anyone who actually loves this country support...
Tennis is huge here in ATL. I like playing, it is very social here with teams playing year round and always involve drinking. While I love...
Good time on the 5k. I've always been active but marrying a younger lady later in life put me is a spot where I had kids later in life....
I got mine at the same time. A little off the next day but minimal. The flu shot arm was more sore than the booster arm.
Interesting that you think there are two alternatives, be a callous douchebag or hiding in your basement. Calling yourself partdopy seems generous.
The fact that the chairperson of the RNC said trump is the leader of the R party makes their argument ignorant.
I’ve seen varying percentages of how many think trump is still the president and the number is always more than half of all republicans. What a...
I read it, it says But only the Pfizer and Moderna shots, when reinforced by a booster, appear to have initial success at stopping infections,...
Doesn’t the article state that the vaccines in the US actually do a decent job? Are you talking about the northern US?