Dumb and wrong
I guess I shouldn’t drink a beer while cleaning the inside of my vehicle while it’s sitting in the driveway? You know that pesky open container...
I find the picture issue a “little” creepy.
Thanks for posting that. Tourney MIP or MVP?
Damn good pickup. go Gators
I’ll be Pullin for him.
Followed Jax back in those days. Hated the loss to UCLA. What still pisses me off today were the blocks UCLA had against Artis jump hook. Artis...
Figured No more damn street racing or joy riding. Imagine an angry aggressive driver trying to catch you to run you off the road. It would be...
Looks like many tunnels and access are near and/or under where people congregate. That’s where I’d look first. I’d check every public place first.
How about a car that will not exceed the posted speed limit? Save lives Lowers gas mileage which causes less pollution No need for speed traps...
Pump some nitrous oxide into them and they’ll come out laughing.
Pumpkinhead is my go to halloween movie every year. good plot. The witch and beast are badass.
Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent. ;)
His head vs heart won out.
21-7 aggies. Curious what object Beamer will kick at halftime?
my favorite pizza and pizza place in Gainesville
No stress
He should have played safety imo. Very good athlete with decent speed for his size.
how about the fact we kept fighting, coach opened up the offense, won on the road against a decent team while starting more underclassmen than any...