Shhh. Don’t jinx us. Not that I am superstitious but be careful please:cool:
Just a snippet. YouTube has the whole list of evil stuff this “saint” did. Or as full as ever counted.
Speaking of her who was a horrible person. She loved poverty not the poor. Read Christopher Hitchens devil’s advocacy (it’s a real position) about...
It’s turtles all the way down.
Could Kentucky have run clock before scoring their last touchdown?
You are close but off by a bit. If science can’t find a way to measure it. I am skeptical. I can’t see atoms but I think they exist. I have seen...
It’s like they put their fingers in their ears and say la la la I can’t hear you.
The effects of racism don’t disappear when you stop discriminating.
Christmas is pretty close to the winter solstice and Easter is close to planting time.
Have you looked at any of the research? You are waxing poetic nonsense. What we call Love is a chemical reaction that happens in the brain. Cat...
So a submersible landing vehicle. How cool.
I would change most of Tilly’s miracles as stuff that isn’t unexplainable but stuff that is unexplained so far.
Nikki Haley did use a school shooting to take down the stars and bars from the capital building. I think that was a positive. I keep liking what...
I read Schweitzer’s book probably close to 40 years ago. It was strange. In his quest for the historical Jesus, he found no true evidence and then...
There are so many factors that impact your life expectancy but cigarettes are definitely a negative. Waiting for someone to bring out an anecdote...
I think the Bundys are whacko. I think the unabomber was nuts too. I don’t blame the right for the Bundys and I don’t think the left should be...
Price gouging? Windfall profits become expected profits.
F16s are 40 year old frames but they have gone thru many iterations. My guess is that their electronics will smoke anything the Russians have.
That sounds familiar. The Pacific Northwest has its share of crackpots that’s for sure. I don’t think I would group all the pro Trumpers that far out.