So fewer people are attending church post Covid. Churches are being closed and sold all over. (I realize this is anecdotal) People are answering...
we shall see.
Yes you are. Tilly the republicans are so corrupt it’s unbelievable.
There are pockets where individual churches are growing but attendance and belief are on a long term decline. Let’s hope the faithful don’t drag...
Sure the plural of anecdotes isn’t data.
I think many is a poor word choice. Extremely rare would be more accurate.
So you make your decision on how much they were awarded based on nothing?
This is something I don’t understand. Some Republicans claim to be libertarians but are opposed to choice and in favor of school prayer. It...
Photoshop is getting better with ai. Honestly though why would anyone post this crap.
The chicken pox vaccine is another case. Very few children died of chicken pox but the week to ten days that kids were home sick really impacted...
This has to be parody. No one could rationally come to these conclusions.
Free range is healthier and produces less cholesterol.
I don’t know. I got mine and a flu shot and the shingles vaccine. Had a friend get shingles and it seemed to age him. There is a new vax for...
Excuse me? lol
The answer is always increase competition by not allowing mergers and busting up mega corporations.
Nobody is advocating forcing people to take untested treatments. The antivax morons are dangerous though. How many people who listened to them...
I get it but I get all my stuff delivered from Walmart. I never walk in. I get my kefir from Aldi along with bagels that are bad bagels but make...
I get all my canned and frozen goods from Walmart or Aldi. I get a few specialty items from Publix.
Yes Publix isn’t a monopoly. You have Aldi and Walmart as real choices.
They are loaded with meat. I don’t get subs that often. I just know they are better than subway.