Not really debatable at all. Bama is already good. Losing to the Vols doesn't mean they suck. Tennessee getting hype just makes the situation...
We've gone from "Bama gets all the calls!!" to "Bama getting hosed!" Incredible.
If Michigan could score TDs instead of settling for FGs, this game isn't close.
They are already recruiting lights out. Don't need utk to also gain momentum.
Nah. Then we'll hear from both uga and utk. Would rather UTk win nothing of relevance.
Sooooo he's like a number of other college football head coaches? How dare he do the job he was hired to do well and leave for a better...
Nah. Their fans can't handle success. Too obnoxious. BVD is great but eff the rest of them.
Because he acts AND looks like a jackass?
This is a game we can't lose or things will start getting ugly
His body language when things aren't going well is concerning.
BS call but Richardson is just not careful with the football.
Are we number one yet?
If anything this last week should show us that freaking out about recruiting in July is premature. Obviously, we still have a long way to go and...
I mean, of course. I don't blame the player. But this is clearly a form free agency (actually even more liberal because no one is under contract)...
I'm $ure he made the be$t deci$ion he could for him$elf.
How can that be? Mr. Ruiz told us so much more goes into these relationships. It's not just about the money.
[MEDIA] Oh yeah, I'm sure...
[MEDIA] Not a ton of production but could be interesting
No worries. It was down in a further post. Football Recruiting - Ricky Pearsall - Player Profiles - ESPN I hope it's legit!
I posted a link that 4.65 40 yard dash